Igor Fokin Family Website
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The claim by Chris Schmidt that proceeds from the showings of his film Puppeteer will be going to Igor Fokin's family is false. Chris has exploited the grief of Igor's Family to advance his own career and make a profit. He has severed all communication with the family. He even did not return certain priceless item - the original tape with music from Igor's show.

In 1996 those who knew and loved Igor offered enormous support. Yelena Demikovsky is helping the family through sales of her film The Story of Fenist.

- Anastasia Fokina-Khanina
Widow of Igor Fokin


The caring generocity from the many fans of Igor Fokin has been very moving and greatly appreciated. For information about donations to the family of Igor Fokin email info@igorfokinfamily.org.

There have been several documentaries made about the life and work of Igor Fokin. The only documentary currently endorsed by the family is The Story of Fenist by Yelena Demikovsky. We can't say enough about the quality of the film and the caring support she has given this family. Visit www.RedPalettePictures.com for more information.

To contact the family please email us at info@igorfokinfamily.org.